A Journal for Eastern & Western Short Forms

Cover Art




Sketchbook is an E-Journal for members of TheOutlawPoets and The Poetrybridge writers.

The submission deadline is the 20th of each month. Send to:  Subject: Submission


Betty Kaplan and Max Verhart, Rengay

Ed Baker, Old Poet Sits Near

Craig Tigerman, Karina Klesko, John Daleiden, Renku: In The Long Grass

Karina Klesko, Renku Commentary

M. Kei, Book Note: Fire Pearls

Zhanna P. Rader: Black & White: A Cinquain Sequence

Vaughn Seward & Karina Klesko: Rubricku

The OutlawPoets: A Tree Haiku Thread: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Pumpkin Soup

Gothic Poems

Editor's Choices: October Haiku

end of October—
visiting priests, at the inn,
eating pumpkin soup

Cristian Mocanu

harvest moon
empty candy wrappers
in a bowl

Trish Shields

Warm October sun—
the little girl's eyes fixed
on a green lizard...

Zhanna P. Rader

two black clouds
spindle downward—
October afternoon

Karina Klesko

  October Haiku Comments
     Editors Karina Klesko & John


Editor Karina Klesko
From My Desk

The cover photo is by Linda Willets. I chose the Sketchbook cover photo from LInda Willet’s Gallery. The plant in this photo is Jimpson weed. This photo caught my eye because it has depth and textures—it is an artistic palette of nature. I find Linda's Gallery stunning and creative. Her photos reminded me of artist Georgia O’Keefe’s paintings: Oriental Poppies, 1928; Oak Leaves, Pink and Gray, 1929; Skunk Cabbage; Georgia O’Keefe biography.